Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Bittersweet End

Over the past few weeks, I have been experiencing this feeling that I will call "alumni syndrome". I define it as a sense of the progress of something you are or were involved in, continuing without you. Now, this "syndrome" is not a negative one, but it is a reality check. The fact that I will soon be referring to myself as not only an alum of Baylor, but of APO as well, is starting to sink it. This, however, has nothing to do with the exceptional members that the Class of 2010 will be leaving behind. This has everything to with the fact that APO is our family, and upon graduation things change. No longer can just drive down the street to meet my little and her mom, no longer will I meet on Sunday nights with some of the most incredible people at Baylor, and no longer will I be able to call a family member just to say hey.

But, I promise this is not a depressing blog, I am so incredibly blessed to be a part of this organization. This organization that, as Daniel Nash said accurately today during his speech, makes people feel like close friends. I know that this pattern and these new members that we have invested both time and money into will live up to their potential and exceed our own. I am not worried about APO flourishing and thriving because I remember what APO used to be like. I used to say that I chose APO because I wanted to serve. Now I say that I chose APO because I wanted to be a part of a group of people who accepted me for me and whose passions matched mine. THAT is the core of APO. If you love to serve, and I mean truly serve, then APO is the only place to go.

These last couple of months will be bittersweet for me and probably some of the other seniors as well, but never fear for the continuation of APO. Pledge classes may drop, people may disappear, but APO... the core of who we are, will never let APO die. Have a great week everyone and I can't wait to see you all next Sunday :) God Bless!

Friday, March 19, 2010


I don't know about you all, but I am so stinkin excited about BIG SIB HUNT tomorrow! I know that some of my excitement comes from a growing knowledge that this will be some of the last moments of college fun for me, but the majority of my excitement comes from the fact that our pledges are AMAZING! I know everyone likes to think that their pledge class rocked the house and will forever live on in infamy, but I think this pledge class may just rock our APO world a little bit. I see a spirit in them, as a group, that I see in individuals that make APO the amazing organization that it is. Within their pledge class (or group of new members now), I can see no weakest link because everyone encourages and helps everyone else. Now I know that this is my own completely unabashedly biased opinion, but I have overheard casual remarks by fellow APO members that echo my same sentiment. I believe that this pledge class will bring in a new rush of energy and vitality that APO needs.

Now pledge class, this place a heavy burden on you; to live up to your potential. We don't want this enthusiasm and general well being of the group to die when you all join the masses of APO; in fact we want it to flourish. Don't lose this spirit because this is what will get you through rough times in APO. That spirit is what we keep our numbers and our morale from plummeting. We are an impressive organization on campus and its not because of all the awards we have (some groups have a lot more) and its not because of the accolades that we have been given (they are few and far between). We are an impressive organization because we serve without recognition. We serve because without it we would flounder about uselessly. We serve because this is who God created us to be. APO is impressive because we do it because we want to, not because we have to. So new members and old, embrace these newbies and feed off of their excitement. New people, learn from the old because we have wisdom that you do not have yet. And old members, learn from the new, because they see through eyes that are not tired and cynical. We are a brotherhood. We are a family. Get excited.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

It's so hard... to say goodbye... to yesterday

As yet another group of our fellow brethen join the ranks of the real world. I don't know about you all, but life outside college still scares the bajesus out of me. Those seniors are venturing into an unfamiliar land that will provide ups and downs without the safety net of an institution. Tonight was fun and sobering for in fact, in not too long, I too will be in there shoes. Everyone is always asking, what are you planning on doing after College? What are your plans? I wonder if anyone really knows where God is going to take them right now. Sure, there are things that you may want to accomplish and there are goals that you have set, but to be 100% sure about your future is a lie. But this blog was not intended to be preachy; it was intended to remember the good times and look forward to the future.
So what can we learn from the personalities of our graduating seniors? Well, from Kevin we can learn how to transition smoothly from college-student to true adulthood. From Boris we can learn to not get caught up and overwhelmed in all the mess that life throws at you. From Sarah we can learn the beauty of a servants heart. And from Frank we can learn to enjoy life with the innocent sweetness of a child. You all have been shaped and added character to our APO family and we would not be the same without you all. I hope that you will be proud to tell others about this organization when you enter "grown-up" land. And just know that our prayers, our love and our thoughts will be with you as long as our memories can last.


Monday, November 23, 2009

semi-formal and apo-giving

I don't know about any one else... but this fun filled weekend of APO events rocked! The semi-formal was gorgeous, the food was amazing, and the people... oh the people made everything better. Shout out to Alyssa and her crew for doing a fantastic job with Semi-formal.. and a shout out to Anam, Erum, Mrs. Whyne, and Adina for bringing the deliciousness that then sent us into a food coma.
APO-giving was amazing. I am sorry for those of you who missed the smorgishborg (msp) of food and wonderful company. The bean game was interesting, but hey, you gotta roll with the punches. Whoever made the crossword in the newsletter did a fantastic job. Who would have known that Heather occasionally dreams in spanish and Sarah wolfe got a ridiculous amount of stitches trying to jump onto a wooden carousel. Go figure.
I left the blume room fully satisfied. I am very proud to be a part of this organization and I can see how close we have grown over the years. Some of the people I pledged with are gone, but the camaraderie is still there in the group. Every family is mixing a
nd mingling, animosity in the group is lower than it has been in a long time, and people are enjoying getting to know and developing deep relations with their fellow brothers. I almost feel like a small child again... were nothing else matters as long as you have your friend. Thanks guys for being awesome... and keep the love alive.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving :)

Gabby signing out.... hollahollaholla

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Hey APOers...
SO I got really passionate about APO tonight. I love the change over season when all the ideas are fresh and the energy is high. Everyone who ran for a position truly put there heart into it and I commend each and every one of you all. Usually, around this time in APO, I already know who I am going to vote for before even stepping into the meeting. I know, I am biased, but I am sure that a slew of you all did exactly the same thing. This year was different. I had some notion
of who I was going to choose before going into meeting, but I was more open to what was being said. I honestly think that the choice for President was a tough one. Three able-bodied, fully qualified women were running for the leadership position. Three people put themselves on the line for this organization: they believed enough in APO to want to fight with the best of the best for the commander-in-chief slot in APO. This is not a negation to any of the other positions and candidates, but the Presidency is the face of APO. Much like the President is the face of the United States. Congratulations to our new leaders for this Spring! You all did a great job and I am super excited to see what fresh blood can do for our executive committee.

Alright ladies and gents. I love APO and I am more than excited about our Thanksgiving extravaganza on Sunday and the crazy, awesome semi-formal that we are going to have on Saturday. Oh, and I hope everyone can make it to steppin out: it is a lot of work, but its also a lot of fun. Have a blessed night everyone!

Gabby signing out... hollahollaholla